Month: May 2020

Assassin’s Creed fans rejoiced when it was revealed that the franchise’s beloved hidden blade is making a return in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. However, they instantly noticed that something was off: the hidden blade wasn’t exactly hidden because it can be seen on the upper part of the protagonist’s wrist as opposed to being concealed at
Square Enix has said that it is “pleased” with Final Fantasy VII Remake‘s initial shipment of 3.5 million units, especially since the publisher produced fewer physical copies due to the Coronavirus outbreak. In his financial presentation for the fiscal year ended March 31, president Yosuke Matsuda said that physical sales were below expectations due to
Reviewed by Tristan Ogilvie on PlayStation 4. Also available on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. “Those Who Remain features an eerie atmosphere, inventive puzzles, and some moments of genuine tension via its shape-shifting world, but fussy controls, one-dimensional stealth, and a narrative that lacks cohesion prevent it from stepping completely out of the darkness
Back in 2019, I undertook the daunting task to rank every single mainline Resident Evil entry. It wasn’t easy. Going through my memories of each game and assigning it with a specific number was a challenge, all the more so because I love most of them so much. But while my preferences fluctuate based on
The psychological horror game is coming to Steam in September 2018. Watch more trailers here! ——————————­—- Follow GameTrailers for more! ——————————­—— YOUTUBE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: #gametrailers
Crucible reviewed by Kyle Campbell on PC. “Crucible plucks popular staples from all over esports, attempting to forge a greater whole through the fires of interstellar warfare. This sci-fi multiplayer third-person shooter is a battle royale at one moment, and the next it’s a back-and-forth team affair closer to a MOBA, topped off with a
We know you’re busy and might miss out on all the exciting things we’re talking about on Xbox Wire every week. If you’ve got a few minutes, we can help remedy that. We’ve pared down the past week’s news into one easy-to-digest article for all things Xbox! Or, if you’d rather watch than read, you
Cosmic Forces, Sony Pictures Consumer Products, and Scholastic are bringing R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps series to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. In Goosebumps Dead of Night you try to collect missing pages from Goosebumps stories that have been stolen, but it’s not quite that easy – scary creatures like Lawn Gnomes, the Werewolf of Fever Swamp,
Today is a surprisingly robust release day for Nintendo’s Switch. As announced a few months back, 2K just dropped several big game collections. The first is BioShock: The Collection, which features the remastered versions of all three BioShock games. The second is XCOM 2 Collection, which includes Firaxis’ stellar strategy game and all four of
Following our big Ghost of Tsushima-focused episode of State of Play earlier this month, we invited folks on Twitter to pitch in any questions they still had. We collected a series of those questions and put them in front of Nate Fox and Jason Connell from Sucker Punch. Hopefully this helps make the wait until
Last week, we asked you to find beautifully blue moments from your favorite games and share them using #PS4share and #PSBlog. From celestial spaces to cerulean-hued outfits, here are this week’s blue highlights: Sam Bridges ziplines across a blue vista in this Death Stranding shot from GameonFocus. The moon shines a blue hue over this
By Sherif Saed, Friday, 29 May 2020 09:02 GMT The beginning of Fortnite’s Chapter 2 Season 3 has been pushed back again, but luckily not for very long this time. Epic Games announced that, for the second time, the start of Fortnite‘s Season 3 in Chapter 2 has been delayed. The new season will now