League of Legends

Hecarim Nerfed…Ish  Despite the nerf to Hecarim, he continues to perform well in jungle so feel free to keep playing him…when he’s not banned that is. Meanwhile, Udyr has fallen off in power since 11.5 so he’s no longer worth banning in Diamond but still bannable in other divisions. Lastly, Tristana’s been poking her Yordle
Don’t be making other plans for the Clash weekend. Image via Riot Games Since its initial tests, Clash has evolved into a great way to increase hype during the prime periods of each League of Legends season. Clash is a great way to captivate seasonal highs alongside squadmates and is filled with awesome rewards that you can use
Summary:  Buffs: Akali, Leblanc, Pyke, Sylas, Volibear, Xin Zhao;  Nerfs: Gnar, Hecarim, Karthus, Renekton, Urgot, Lillia. Champions Akali Base health decreased and health growth increased. Passive energy restore removed. Q cost increased early and decreased later; bonus damage removed. W now increases Akali’s maximum energy. E total damage increased; first hit damage ratio decreased; second
Summary Buffs: Ezreal, Jinx, Karma, Mordekaiser, Riven, Singed, Shyvana, Sylas, Vladimir Nerfs: Anivia, Cho’Gath, Elise, Ivern, Olaf, Pantheon, Rammus, Seraphine, Taliyah, Udyr Tweaks: Gangplank, Rell Champions Anivia Q detonation damage decreased. R cooldown increased later. Since her refresh in patch 10.25, Anivia’s been leaving her enemies in the cold with high spell consistency and damage.
Samira and Viego? EH Two of the highest skill ceiling champions in the game, Samira and Viego are terrifying when they pop off and are played correctly. However, for the most part we’re not seeing a lot of consistency with these champions at divisions under Diamond. Statistically speaking, you don’t really need to ban these
These are the best mid lane champions of season 10. Some champions in League of Legends are just flat-out stronger than others. Mid lane is one of the game’s easiest roles to carry with, mostly because you have easy access to any other part of the map. Oh, and a lot of damage. Great mid laners are
These are League of Legends’ top-tier ADCs for this season’s solo queue. Some champions in League of Legends are just flat-out stronger than others. For the marksmen and markswomen of League, or the ADCs, there are several types of champions to play. There are attack-speed-focused hyper carries like Jinx and Tristana, and then there are the face-melting high
Summary:  Buffs: Jax, Karma, Kog’Maw, Master Yi, Qiyana, Samira, Sejuani, Trundle; Nerfs: Azir, Gragas, Rammus, Rell, Seraphine, Shaco, Udyr. Champions   Azir W Sand Soldier damage decreased. Balancing out Azir’s steady power curve throughout the duration of a game by pecking down his early lane control. W – Arise! SAND SOLDIER DAMAGE 60-160 (levels 1-18) ⇒ 50-150 (levels 1-18)
Summary Nerfs: Camille, Kai’Sa, Renekton, Samira, Skarner Buffs: Amumu, Braum, Caitlyn, Fiora, Jinx, Katarina, Urgot, Lee Sin, Soraka, Talon, Tryndamere, Varus, Veigar Champions   Amumu Base health increased. E base damage increased later. Amumu’s always sad, but he’s particularly despondent in Skilled levels of play. We’re giving him more Tantrum damage to make him more
Yone and Udyr BANNED!  Yone and Udyr both have some of the highest ban rates at all divisions right now, but truth be told, the stats don’t point to a need to ban Yone, he’s underperforming even in the games where he’s picked up. Meanwhile, Udyr consistently overperforms in every game he’s picked in despite