Pokemon Quest is a popular Pokémon game exclusive to the Switch and mobile devices. It follows a similar pattern to most Pokémon games and even includes the mechanic we all know and love: Cooking! In this guide, we will cover all the recipes for trainers to make the best meals for their Pokémon. Pokémon Quest
Pokemon Guides
Mega Manectric Manectric (Mega) Mega Manectric is a mega evolved raid boss and the mega highlight of the Charge Up event starting from Tuesday, March 16th 2021 at 10:00 AM to Monday, March 22nd 2021 till 8:00 PM local time. Being a pure Electric type, its counters include strong Ground types such as Garchomp, Groudon
Thundurus Therian Thundurus Therian forme is a Tier 5 legendary raid boss in Pokémon Go and will mark its debut in the game on March 16, 2021 from 10 AM local time and last till March 30, 2021 10 AM local time. It has a dual typing of Electric Flying and as such, it is