Ghost Recon Breakpoint‘s second episode is out now for Xbox One players everywhere. In Deep State, the Ghosts join forces with Splinter Cell’s Sam Fisher in an eight-mission campaign called Operation Checkmate. Year One Pass owners have immediate access to Operation Checkmate, while all other players will have access to the first mission and can purchase access to the rest if they like from Ghost Recon Breakpoint’s in-game store for Ghost Coins. Deep State also introduces two new classes: the drone-wielding Engineer and the stealthy Echelon. Both classes are out now for Year One Pass owners and will be available to all other players in one week. Lastly, this episode adds the Ghost Experience, a brand-new way to customize your gameplay, free for all players.

Deep State’s two new classes offer up new ways to play. Inspired by Sam Fisher, the Echelon class is a perfect fit for stealthy players. The special ability, Sonar Vision, allows you to detect enemies through walls, while the Shock Pistol can take out enemies and incapacitate drones. And if the Echelon is spotted, you can snap-aim a lethal pistol shot in the brief window before you’re fully detected.

The Engineer class is a master of drones and can summon a deadly, flying Defense Drone to target enemies. Engineers can also toss out Supply Drones, which can either give partners a magazine of high-end ammo or explode when shot. The class can also do more damage to drones and has a bigger explosion radius when using grenade a launcher.

The Ghost Experience is available for all players and gives you a new set of options to tailor the campaign to your liking. You can still play the game without changes in the Regular Experience, but the Immersive Experience removes gear level and tiered loot entirely. Armor becomes purely cosmetic, and you’ll only be able to carry whatever weapons you have equipped. You’ll still be able to upgrade your weapons in the Gunsmith menu and compare what you have equipped to what you find in the world, but all versions of a weapon you find will now be identical.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint is currently available for up to 67% off until April 2 and you can pick up the Year One Pass for 50% off until April 13.

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon® Breakpoint
Experience a military shooter set in a diverse & hostile open world that you can play solo or up to four-player co-op.
Injured, without support & hunted down, test your survival skills and fight back.
With your own play style, take down the Wolves, ex-brothers-in-arms gone rogue and their leader Cole D. Walker.
Team up with your friends, and experience shared progression from the main campaign to PvP. Explore rich end-game content including four-player raids.
Upgrade to the Gold Edition or Ultimate Edition to get the most out of your experience including the Year 1 Pass and more.
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