Thought you’d beaten the forces of Hell? Think again as DOOM Eternal has arrived on Xbox One, PS4, PC and Google Stadia.
It’s time. Time to become the Slayer. Time to take down Hell’s hordes once more. Time for DOOM Eternal.
Priced at £54.99 and available from the Xbox Store for Xbox One – along with launches on PS4, PC and Google Stadia (and at a later date Nintendo Switch) – DOOM Eternal once more takes the iconic DOOM formula and pushes things up to the max, equipping us with multiple weaponry types in the hope that we have what it takes to stop the demons from Hell.
An icon in the gaming industry, DOOM Eternal looks set to again deliver the goods to gamers across the globe, building on the reboot from 2016 and providing a completely different beast to the classic DOOM experiences from yesteryear.
Pushing out a gameplay experience that plays on a combination of outright speed with utter power, DOOM Eternal is first person combat like you’ve never seen before – our upcoming review will be able to fully confirm whether that statement is true or not. Spoiler alert: it is!
With a huge solo player campaign in place and the opportunity to enjoy a bit of 2v1 multiplayer action via the new BATTLEMODE, DOOM Eternal looks to have it all – as long as you want hardcore death and total destruction.
The Standard Edition of DOOM Eternal will happily sort out the vast majority of gamers yet those who need even more DOOM in their lives would do well to consider a purchase of the more expensive DOOM Eternal Deluxe Edition for £79.99. Not only will this provide the base game, but you’ll also find the Year One Pass with two campaign add-ons, a Demonic Slayer Skin, and the Classic Weapon Sound Pack thrown in too. That Year One Pass is also available separately too. Just £24.99 will see you gaining access.
Further to all this though and even more DOOM action can be found in the accompanying DOOM 64. Pushed out in order to celebrate 25 years of DOOM, DOOM 64 originally released on N64 back in 1997, but is now here and playable on Xbox One for just £3.99. We’ll have a full review of that for you soon too.
As always your favourite digital store will sort you out with whatever download you require.
Game Description:
Hell’s armies have invaded Earth. Become the Slayer in an epic single-player campaign to conquer demons across dimensions and stop the final destruction of humanity. The only thing they fear… is you. Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power in DOOM Eternal – the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat. SLAYER THREAT LEVEL AT MAXIMUM Armed with a shoulder-mounted flamethrower, retractable wrist-mounted blade, upgraded guns and mods, and abilities, you’re faster, stronger, and more versatile than ever. UNHOLY TRINITY Take what you need from your enemies: Glory kill for extra health, incinerate for armor, and chainsaw demons to stock up on ammo to become the ultimate demon-slayer. Enter BATTLEMODE A new 2 versus 1 multiplayer experience. A fully-armed DOOM Slayer faces off against two player-controlled demons, fighting it out in a best-of-five round match of intense first-person combat.
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