Nathan Drake voice actor Nolan North has said that he “loves” Mark Wahlberg but can’t see him as Sully in the upcoming Uncharted movie.
In the latest Retro Play video, North and Troy Baker discussed the movie and The Last of Us HBO series while playing through the original Resident Evil 2. North revealed that he was more excited about The Last of Us television show than he was about Uncharted. Baker, on the other hand, doesn’t think the movie will ever see the light of day – a popular consensus at this point.
North said:
I think the fact that they’re gonna make it [The Last of Us] a series is way better than making a movie out of anything. I think having the guy who did Chernobyl is the frigging elephant in the room that you need to get things done. I’m more excited about that – I gotta be honest – than I am about an Uncharted movie.
I love Mark Wahlberg but I don’t see him as Sully. I just don’t see that as Sully.
“I don’t see that thing [Uncharted movie] happening at all,” Baker added before revealing that he thinks turning games into episodic series is better than making movies out of them. He also said that it helps that Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin are very clear about what they want to do.
According to Baker, condensing 12-16 hour games into two-hour long movies makes things challenging because “there’s so much onboarding that has to happen.”
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[Source: Retro Play via PlayStationing]
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