Sony Interactive Entertainment has filed a patent for a robot that acts as a gaming companion and reacts to players’ emotions. The patent describes a situation in which the “autonomous” robot sits on the sofa next to a user, and watches them play a game. The companion would be able to partake in the game as well as react to players’ emotions.
“The robot 20 may participate in the game as a virtual player and for example, may virtually operate the opponent team of a baseball game being played by the user,” reads the patent. “The action of the robot 20, which supports the game play of the user, is controlled so as to be pleased with the user for expressing sympathy for the user, and to provide the user with the joint viewing experience.”
The robot would feature a “feeling deduction unit configured to deduce a user’s feeling” and may express its feelings by moving its body. The patent further states:
It is expected that the user’s affinity with the robot is increased and motivation for playing a game is enhanced by the robot viewing the game play next to the user and being pleased or sad together with the user. Further, regarding not only the game but also a movie, a television program, or the like, it is expected that the user may enjoy content mere by viewing the content with the robot as compared to the case of viewing it alone.
Patents don’t necessarily come to fruition but this is an interesting one nonetheless. What do our readers think?
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