After revealing last week that Trials of Osiris would be coming back to Destiny 2, Bungie today unleashed a look at what Guardians can expect for the rest of Season 10. Alongside trailer for the upcoming season, Bungie provided a Destiny 2 Season of the Worthy roadmap that highlights some of the big checkpoints over the next three months. After listening to feedback from the community, Bungie has embraced some of the mystery of discovery surrounding upcoming Exotic Quests and other events during the season, so this roadmap is a bit more vague than previous calendars.
Season of the Worthy will center around the Cabal attempting to destroy The Last City with the remains of the Almighty, the enormous sun-eating laser cannon from the base Red War campaign. Guardians will need to reactivate the Warmind Rasputin’s defenses in order to eliminate the threat. Just as Season of the Dawn reprised Curse of Osiris, Season of the Worthy is reprising Warmind. Get a glimpse at the new story in the trailer below:
At the start of the season, players who have purchased the season pass will immediately gain access to the new Tommy’s Matchbook Exotic auto rifle. There are also a number of new armor sets coming, both to earn through the season pass ranks and various in-game activities and events. Notably, though, the overall content is masked here to keep some story beats from being spoiled and maintain the mystery and surprise of exciting new things happening throughout the season.
Season of the Worthy is expected to run for three months, ending on June 8. Destiny 2 Season 11 will kick off on June 9, the final season before the game gets its next major yearly expansion this fall.
Check out the full Destiny 2 Season of the Worthy roadmap below (click to enlarge):
Destiny 2 Season of the Worthy Roadmap
March 10
- New PVE Activity – Seraph Tower Event
- Seraph Bunker: EDZ – Legendary Lost Sector
- 3 Reprised PVP Maps
- Weekly Rasputin Challenges
- New Legendary Weapons and Armor
- Seventh Seraph Armor Sets
- New Artifact – Warmind Khanjali
- 100+ Seasonal Ranks
- Exotic emote, Ghost, ornament, and finisher
- New Exotic Armor and Weapons
- Sandbox Ability Tuning
- New triumphs, bounties, and Seasonal lore books
March 13
- Trials of Osiris Returns (Every Weekend; Minimum Power Level 960)
- New Seal/Title
- Trials Themed Weapons and Armor
March 24
- Seraph Bunker: Moon – Legendary Lost Sector
April 7
- Seraph Bunker: Io – Legendary Lost Sector
April 21
- Grandmaster Ordeal – New Nightfall Strike Difficulty
- New Seal/Title
- Endgame Rewards
- Guardian Games (Until May 11)
- Class Competition
- Legendary Armor
- Exotic Quest
- Iron Banner
- And More…
Destiny 2 Season of the Worthy starts at the weekly reset on March 10. It’s expected that there will be downtime before the new season goes live, and players will need to download an update before they can play. While this is just a look at the next few months, Game Director Luke Smith did give a preview at what the team is working on for Destiny 2 Year 4, including new ways to “retire” weapons and drive engagement with newer gear.
[Source: Bungie]
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