Since Monster Hunter: World launched back in January of 2018, we’ve seen Capcom push out a tremendous amount of content, enhancing the game on a monthly basis. And then when Iceborne arrived in September 2019, the overall experience was lifted once more. Still though, here in 2020, some two years since launch of the base game, we find Capcom continuing to push the brilliance of monster hunting, with a smattering of free and paid gear now becoming available from the Xbox Store.
Monster Hunter: World on Xbox One is, quite frankly, a stunning playthrough, and if you’re one of the many who have found themselves teaming up to take down gargantuan beasts, then the latest DLC drops to hit the game will be hugely appealing.
Taking the free route we have the MHW:I Special Monster Figure: Grand Appreciation Fest allowing you the chance to decorate your room with a new monster figure. And whilst that is the only free option available today, the rest of the paid content is still very reasonably priced and seems pretty appealing.
Hairstyles make up the vast majority of these content pieces, with the Short Bob, Long & Wavy, Pleasant Ponytail, Great Mohawk and Semi-Long Up all coming in at £1.19 each.
There is also the chance to check out some new poses with the Pose Set: Weapon Pose (3) for £3.19, the MHW:I Room Decor: Lighting Set for £1.59 which again allows the opportunity to pimp up your room, and the rather tasty The Handler’s Techno Handler Costume for £2.39. It is this latter piece which lets you gain access to a new costume for the Handler, equipable from the Housekeeper menu in Your Room.
Whilst none of these latest content additions are likely to change the base experience of Monster Hunter: World Iceborne up too much, for fans of the game, they are well worth considering. And if you find these don’t float your boat, perhaps the previous arrival of content back in December will.
Let us know what you think though. The comments section is down below and we’d love to hear from you. And if you haven’t yet played Monster Hunter: World on Xbox One, then our reviews of the base game, and that of Iceborne, should be read.
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